Day 1

Day 1 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Who Gives Strength to the Weary Our gratitude journey begins by discovering our strengths. What makes us strong, especially in the realms of our emotions and spirit? It is often our strengths that lead us to find freedom in our own lives. Through these activities, […]

Activity 4

Day 1 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Gratitude and Resilience When life is hard, it’s much more challenging to notice the good. But research has found that gratitude, especially during hard times, actually helps create resilience and improves one’s ability to cope with difficulty. Gratitude does not mean denying the real challenges […]

Activity 3

Day 1 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Omer Gratitude One-Line-A-Day Journal In the Song of Songs, the Haftarah (a selection from the Book of Prophets) for Passover, we read, “The long wet months are past, the rains have fed the earth and left it bright with blossoms.”  How do we, the weary, […]

Activity 2

Day 1 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan A Seder Companion: Strength in Our Time Pesach is the holiday of finding strength in narrow places. Jews around the world, in every generation, place themselves between the raging waters of the Sea of Reeds. Pharaoh’s army approaches from behind, and the only place to […]

The Building Blocks of Strength

Day 1 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Perfect for Kids The Building Blocks of Strength What gives us strength when we are weary? What are the elements from which we can draw the energy to help us endure when we are feeling weak? Our bodies get strength from food and sleep; our […]