Day 1

Day 1 | Embrace Who We Are April | Iyar Who Girds Israel with Strength Our gratitude journey begins by examining our strengths as a nation and a global community, lifting up under-celebrated people who shoulder the burden of caring for others and moving them to change.  What is the strength that Israel has? What […]

Activity 4

Day 1 | Embrace Who We Are April | Iyar Difficult Days for Gratitude The Days of Gratitude initiative was originally started by alumni of Beit Prat in Israel as “Ten Toda,” ten days of gratitude which are held at a very specific time: starting with Holocaust Memorial Day, through Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen […]

Activity 3

Day 1 | Embrace Who We Are April | Iyar Sharing Our Strength Sometimes, when we think of strength — particularly in the context of Israel — we might automatically associate it with military might, major operations that heroically brought Ethiopian Jews to Israel, or images of muscular Zionist pioneers. But Israel’s strength can also […]

Activity 2

Day 1 | EmbraceWho We Are April | Iyar Women of the Refuseniks: An Untold Story of Strength The Jewish people have demonstrated their strength time and time again. The Refusenik movement of the 20th century is a foremost example: Hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews experiencing oppression in the USSR, along with Jews they […]

Activity 1

Day 1 | Embrace Who We Are April | Iyar Ceremony of Reading the Declaration of Independence on Yom HaAtzmaut A New Israeli Ritual The ceremony of reading the Declaration of Independence on Yom HaAtzmaut is a new ritual that seeks to give a voice and space for the Israeli spiritual uplifting experience that surrounds […]