Activity 6

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Nature in the Pandemic “When the Blessed Holy One created the first human, He took him and led him round all the trees of the Garden of Eden and said to him: “Look at My works, how beautiful and praiseworthy they are! And […]

Activity 5

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Awareness and Awe: Trees in Community While we may be extremely aware of the beauty and contribution trees and forests have to our world, we tend to focus on the elements that are visible to us. But scientists have uncovered a fascinating network […]

Activity 4

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Prayer in Nature “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and G-d. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should […]

The Soul of Every Living Being Sings Praise: A Coloring Meditation: Activity 3

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Perfect for Kids The Soul of Every Living Being Sings Praise: A Coloring Meditation The Shabbat morning liturgy includes the Nishmat prayer, which describes how every living soul and being sings the praises of G-d. Not only are we, the human creations, in […]

Activity 2

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Balance in Nature Tu B’Shevat is coming, and it marks what is often referred to as “The Jewish New Year for Trees.” It separates one year from the next for certain Torah laws related to trees and their fruit. We celebrate this holiday […]

Activity 1

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Tu B’Shevat Seder of Gratitude: The Seven Species Next week, we celebrate the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, which is known as the new year for the trees. There is a kabbalistic tradition to mark this holiday with a ceremonial meal, a Seder (similar […]

Day 3

Day 3 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Who Spreads Forth the Earth Above the Waters We end this month’s gratitude journey in anticipation of Tu B’Shevat, which is celebrated next week. We open our eyes to the earth and waters, to everything that grows around us.  What is our part […]