The Environment

What is around you?

We know how precious our earth and ecosystems are to our health and the health of all life, and yet our vocabulary for expressing our gratitude to nature is surprisingly thin. 

By noticing the tiny miracles of our environment, we are renewed with wonder; further, our appreciation can deepen our commitment to protect and preserve our planet. 

In this collection, you’ll find ways to notice the unnoticed in your surroundings, and reciprocate the generosity of nature. 

See Nature Anew:

An Online Gallery
of Appreciation

Genesis of Gratitude Meditation:
Foundation for Jewish Camp

Noticing the Unnoticed:
Magnifying Glass Activity

Balance in Nature:

The Soul of Every Living Being
Sings Praise: A Coloring Meditation

Prayer in Nature:
Institute for Jewish Spirituality

Awareness and Awe:
Trees in Community

Nature's Rejuvenation