Explore Relationships Through Learning

We are grateful for each living being created according to G-d’s will, and we can recognize the uniqueness in each person. But what happens when we come into conflict with others, who are also special and created in G-d’s image? 

  • What are the necessary qualities to be able to cope with conflict-ridden interactions? 
  • How do we judge others favorably, even while disagreeing with them? 
  • What are the necessary ingredients in order to resolve conflict productively? 
  • What guidance can we find from Jewish wisdom on this topic? 

There is much we can learn about these questions by discussing them in a havruta, partnership, with someone else. Use this as an opportunity to have a (possibly intense) conversation with someone who has a different perspective or opinion than you. 

  1. Together, watch the animated video Conflict Resolution, a candid conversation between a father and his adult son.
  1. Explore the themes above, using the following study guide and the questions within it.
  1. Discuss with your partner:
    How can you each further develop your gratitude muscle, even in the face of conflict?

Conflict Resolution is part of Jewish Food For Thought: The Animated Series, which was created with generous funding by The Covenant Foundation. Written and animated by Hanan Harchol www.hananharchol.com. The accompanying study guide was written by Beth Huppin.