Activity 6
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat The Gift of Sleep & Renewal In order to be grateful for waking, we need to have received the gift of sleep. Sleep is a built-in process of renewal; it not only gives us the energy to get through the next day, but […]
Activity 5
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Hashkiveinu, a Prayer for Sleep One of the prayers that follows the daily evening recital of the Shema is Hashkiveinu. In this blessing we ask G-d to serve as a guide and shelter during the upcoming night and praise G-d for watching over […]
Activity 4
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Bringing People In Each morning when we wake up, today’s blessing reminds us to be grateful for the opportunity to open our eyes and live another day. When we use our eyes to look out, it’s easy to see those who are physically […]
Activity 3
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Individual Gratitude, Communal Responsibility Today is the 26th annual MLK Day of Service. Dr. King’s moral leadership continues to resonate today on topics of racial justice and poverty. His legacy of action and learning, organizing and advocacy, and love for humankind lives on […]
Activity 2
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Sleeping and Waking: A Lived Text Exploration In this activity we explore the human activities of sleeping and waking, of both body and soul, first by studying Jewish texts and then by living them. From both the studied and lived experiences, we improve […]
Activity 1
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Modeh Ani Gratitude Journal According to Jewish tradition, the first words to be uttered upon waking in the morning are a short prayer of gratitude, which begins with: Modeh/Modah Ani, ‘Grateful I am.’ It is not only a prayer of gratitude for waking […]
Day 2
Day 2 | The Worlds Inside and Around You January | Shevat Who Removes Sleep From My Eyes and Slumber From My Eyelids Today, Martin Luther King Day, we continue our gratitude journey as we recognize the gift of awakening and renewal, and the ability to open our eyes to others. How might our ability […]