Day 3

Day 3 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Who Has Not Made Me a Slave As we conclude this chapter of our gratitude journey, we examine what it means to be enslaved.  What is a slave?  What makes someone free? What responsibility does freedom hold? Through these activities, we are inspired to unleash […]

Amen: Reflections on Freedom and Isolation from Natan Sharansky

Day 3 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Perfect for Kids Amen: Reflections on Freedom and Isolation from Natan Sharansky Natan Sharansky was born in 1948 and grew up in a Soviet system that maintained its rule through fear. In his twenties, he became interested in his Jewish heritage and the State of […]

Activity 2

Day 3 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan The Journey of Enoughness The liturgical poem “Dayenu” holds an important place in the Passover Seder, yet its recitation is often rushed on the way to the meal that follows. Framed by the rhetorical question “How much goodness has G-d bestowed upon us?”, Dayenu parses […]

Dayenu Gratitude Mad Libs

Day 3 | Seek Freedom Through Strength. March | Nissan Perfect for Kids Dayenu Gratitude Mad Libs Usually, when we have something good, we want more of it. But sometimes, we can show our gratitude by being happy with what we have and saying, “It is enough!” During the Seder, as soon as we finish […]