Wall of Fulfilled Needs

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar   Perfect for Kids Wall of Fulfilled Needs What needs in our lives have been fulfilled? Whether they’re the small things that often go unnoticed or the larger things to which we’ve aspired, we invite you to uncover your loved ones’ fulfilled needs: Pick a relative […]

Activity 5

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar On Being Needy Today’s blessing “Blessed are you… who has provided me with all my needs”  compels us to focus on how our needs are met. Rabbi Lisa Goldstein shares that it can also remind us of our unmet needs: the scarcity in our lives.  This […]

Activity 4

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar Food Insecurity: A Game of Action Purim is an exercise in stretching our limits. We stretch our physical and emotional limits in an effort to put aside our assumptions and create a new reality where we gather as a community, masquerade as the other, and take […]

Activity 3

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar Flipping Traditions, Inspiring Action Purim has a rich set of traditions, and while we create time for immense joy and celebration, we are also obligated to acknowledge that there is still brokenness in the world. The very same verse in the Book of Esther that instructs […]

DIY Gratitude for Kids

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar Perfect for Kids DIY Gratitude for Kids Ben’s Little Library DIY Mask Card Making Sheltering in place and quarantining in our homes gives us the perfect opportunity to notice anew the objects that surround us every day, and the ways in which they provide for our […]

Fulfilling Needs Gift Certificates

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar Perfect for Kids Fulfilling Needs Gift Certificates :בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֱ-לֹהֵֽינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם שֶׁעָשָׂה לִי כָּל־צָרְכִּי Blessed are You, Adonai our G-d, King of the Universe, Who provided me with all my needs. It is a great gift to be able to recognize what your own […]

Day 3

Day 3 | Recognize Human Need February | Adar Who Has Provided Me With All My Needs We end this month’s gratitude journey in anticipation of Purim, which is celebrated in two weeks. We explore how we can come together in celebration by balancing our needs with those of others. Do we have all that […]